Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Little Accident... :-(

Well... I'm actually writing this post on the 3rd of Nov, although I have the original date... But regardless, it's been a while since any update...

Anyway... On the 12th Oct, I decided to use a wire brush on a drill to clean the battery holder bracket. I managed to cut away most of the rubberish coating, but still needed to use the Steel brush to remove majority of the rust, and clean it before repainting it...

It was a bit of windy day, and I didn't have a workbench, so I pretty much decided to work infront of my double garage, outside. Loose t-Shirt on, and a make shift bench... protective gear on (Gloves, and safety glasses, etc)... but alas, you guessed it, by t-shirt got caught into the drill bit. Lucky for me, I caught it in time, and it didn't cause too much damage... it was only skin deep, and a bit of exposed flesh, and mostly bruising along the left side of my torso.

.... I was extremely lucky... So, please, if you using power tools, please use a vice to hold the item solidly, or mount the power tool to the bench... I certainly won't be doing this in a hurry again... But I have to admit... I've never gotten my t-shirt torn off that fast... ;-P

PS: Yes, I do have pictures of the injuries.... No I won't be posting them...

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